Holistic Wellness Community of Humanitarian Minds

Our Wellness centers combine medicines and intelligent technology with a whole-body approach to benefit anyone. A one-stop solution for underlying conditions. Our team uses in-depth interviews to analyze your whole-body health. and create a personalized plan to heal symptoms naturally by addressing the root cause with minimal medication as needed.

Cure With Care

Out Patient Consultation Services

P-12, Sector 12, 10th Main Road, Jeevan Bhima Nagar, Bangalore - 560075, India
10 am - 8 pm, Sundays Holiday
Diet Consultation
Diet Consultation
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Service Modes

👉    Clinic Visit

👉    Tele Consultation

👉    In-House Services

👉    Home Care

👉    Free Camps

Special Programs

👉    Old Age Homes

👉    Schools

👉    Clubs

👉    Corporates

👉    Communities

👉    Free Webinars

Exemplar Programs

  • New Born: You register for this program during your pregnancy. The new born's medical history is maintained right from conception which helps in providing a holistic treatment.
  • Old People: 60+ and above who are prone to age related ailments.
  • Lifestyle Diseased: People affected with Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity and Recurring Respiratory Ailments.
  • For All: All those who feel the need of a holistic continued evaluation of their mental and physical health from a Family Doctor
MyDoc Program

This program is based on the age old concept of Family Doctor. A Family Doctor knows the medical history of the individual.

This doctor will be the primary care provider and our first stop for medical care and can provide a holistic treatment with the comprehensive understanding they have about our general nature and health. They can help us abide by Prevention is Better than Cure.

  • Priority Patients: Since Exemplar Healthcare is the primary healthcare provider, MyDoc patients are our priority patients. Depending on the severity of the ailments, our team will connect to the patients for priority consultation.
  • Discount: 20% discount on all services offered by Exemplar Healthcare from the following year of enrolment to this program.
  • Complementaries: Entitled to freebies and complementaries on new product/service launches at Exemplar Healthcare.
  • Proactive Support: Periodic Follow-ups to help you be on a healthy track.
WRMSD Program for Corporates

WRMSD, the short of Work Related MusculoSkeletal Disorder, is a group of painful disorders of muscles, tendons, and nerves caused by frequent, repetitive work activities or activities with incorrect postures or long sitting, which affects the hands, wrists, elbows, neck, shoulders, back, legs, hips, ankles, and feet.

  • 🎈 Minor discomfort to longstanding and career-ending injuries.
  • 🎈 An injury can become minor discomfort to longstanding and career-ending injuries sometimes irreversible.
  • 🎈 Early assessment to prevent injuries is critically important.
  • 🎈 Emotional and financial implications for the worker, co-workers and the employer.


🎈 IT Industry - the hub of white collar jobs

🎈 Increased trend in LBP, Neck Pain in early 30's

🎈 Higher risk of WRMSD


🎈 Improve Quality of Life (QOL)

🎈 Reduce WRMSD

🎈 Provide curative and preventive treatment for WRMSD

  • ✅   Initial Assessment: Design the program with a company appointed representative (HR, Employee).
  • ✅   Customised Plan: Flexible and appropriate for the company.
  • ✅   Onsite / Tele Support: Make healthcare available, accessible and affordable.
  • ✅   Health Awareness: Create awareness about work related disorders, it’s implications, prevention and cure.
  • ✅   Pain Management: Pain management from home to sophisticated manual and equipment assisted therapies.
  • ✅   Exercises: Exercise is the key aspect of physiotherapy, the path to permanent cure.
  • ✅   Discounted Treatment: Special offers for corporates.
  • ✅   Evaluate Outcomes: Assess outcomes, feedback, incorporate further program extensions.

Preventive Care Program

This program is a comprehensive package that includes Homeopathic treatment, Psychology Counselling, Physiotherapy and Diet Recommendation. Food, Exercise, Mental Health along with medication will help put our health in the right track. This program advocates A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.

  • Holistic Screening: Our team sits with you to do a initial holistic screening and crafts a personalised treatment plan for you.
  • Planned Treatment: Scheduled periodic consultation / session from our consultants based on your preference, minimum treatment duration is 3 months.
  • Discount: 20% discount on all services offered by Exemplar Healthcare from the following year of enrolment to this program.
  • Complementaries: Entitled to freebies and complementaries on new product/service launches at Exemplar Healthcare.

  • 🎈 You pay upfront a 20% discounted one time fee based on the treatment plan for 3 months.
  • 🎈 If you are unsatisfied at any point in time refund for the unused services.

  • Working People: People challenged with one or more of the following - Stress, lack of physical exerice, improper diet habits, work-life imbalance.
  • Fitness Freaks: If you feel your health is going for a toss and you need a correction before something major will come up.

Exemplar Products

Our products have been crafted metciulously and has proven clinical trials spanning many generations. The products have been formulated with thorough understanding of the ingredients and its impact, creating no side effects.
Pain Relief Oil
Pain Relief Oil

Pain Relief Oil is prepared from Adhatoda Vasica, White Willow Bark, Devil's Claw, Bromelain , Turmeric and 21 Tropical Herbs in Coconut Oil base.

  • An Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory
  • Reduces Pain, Swelling, Sprain
  • Relaxes Muscles and Joints
  • Improves Blood Circulation
Hair Oil
Hair Oil

Hair Oil is prepared from Bhringraj, Brahmi, Amla, Henna, Fenugreek seeds and 27 other indigenous herbs and spices in pure Coconut Oil base.

  • Reduces Hair Fall
  • Prevents Split ends
  • Fights Dandruff
  • Fights Premature Greying
  • Promotes Hair Growth
  • Promotes Healthy Hair
Homeo First Aid Kit
Homeo First Aid Kit

The Homeo First Aid Kit conatins first hand homeopathy medicines that is a must have at your home, office and travel.

  • Treats Simple Ailments like Fever, Cough, Cold, Injury, Insect Bites, etc
  • Prepared from Homeopathy German Medicines
  • Has medicines for both internal and external use.
  • Comes along with a quick reference guide to help you choose the medicine.
  • Very safe to use.
Happy Mind Kit
Happy Mind Kit

The Happy Mind Kit is a boon to the mankind to treat emotions when they overpower you.

  • Treats Emotions like Grief, Fear, Anxiety, Shock, etc.
  • Treats conditions like Sleeplessness, Poor Memory, OCD
  • Kit contains Bach Flower Remedies and Homeopathy medicines.
  • Comes along with a quick reference guide to help you choose the medicine.
  • Very safe to use.



Mina App is designed to serve as your Health Companion. The first version focuses on Health Check Report and a Ready Reckoner for Yogasanas, Mudras, Home Remedies, Homeopathy Remedies and Bach Flower Remedies.

  • Asses your health by answering a questionnaire and get your health scores
  • Search for a health condition and get information about the Yogasanas you can practice
  • Choose the Mudra you can prcatice for a given health issue
  • Get the list of Home Remedies if your Granny is not accessible
  • Choose your homeopathy medicine for simple ailments
  • Help yourself, family and friends by selecting Bach Flower medicines for any mental condition
  • And many more ...
   Coming Soon


HomeoAid App is a Companion designed to support Homeopathy Practitioners and Students in their practice. It focuses on Patient Case Taking, Repertorization and Materia Medica Browser as major features.

  • Search Kent and Boericke Materia Medicas by medicine name
  • Repertorization using Kent and Boreicke Repertories and saving personalized repertorizations
  • Patient Management System to manage your patients including an elaborate case taking facility
  Demo Videos   Download

About Us

Exemplar Healthcare is dedicated to promoting holistic treatments for the mind, body, and soul. Our mission is to advance our technology research to provide cutting-edge care for our members, whom we consider part of our extended family. At the core of our values is a commitment to honesty and trust, and we strive to create a community of healthy minds and individuals.

We believe that everyone should have access to the best alternative medicine remedies available. Our team of experts has carefully researched and tested these treatments to ensure their safety and effectiveness. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the industry by keeping up with the latest advancements in Holistic medicine.

At Exemplar Healthcare, we are passionate about helping individuals achieve optimal health and wellbeing. We believe that by promoting honest and healthy lifestyles, we can make a positive impact on the lives of people everywhere. Join us in our quest to build a better and healthier world for all.


Relentless effort to elevate the health of mind, body, and soul which drives us to become pioneers in the field of holistic treatment.


Provide affordable, world-class holistic treatment which will consistently elevate the well-being of the people.

  • Safety: Feel secure and protected throughout treatment
  • Compassion: Care like family
  • Inclusivity: Respect each and every person equally
  • Responsibility: Responsive to people needs and preferences
  • Professionalism: Evidence based services from trained doctors backed by technology

Our Team

Dr. Sreechithra

Alternative Medicine Systems have the ability to cure a disease from its root, understand cause for existence, boosts immunity and prevents recurrence for all age groups with minimal alteration to health. Combining such medicine streams in a single platform and giving it technological and research wings would help create a healthier society.

Deepak Biswas

The pandemic has highlighted the growing demand for Holistic medicines. Integrating technology and research can bridge the gap between conventional and alternative medicine. My ultimate goal is to create a more holistic approach to healthcare that addresses the physical and emotional needs of individuals.


My natural potential of feeling for others from their shoes, my software professional experience, my untolerable pain from suffering and loss of near and dear ones and my resulting curiosity about health, ailments and recovery, all of these converged to the founding of Exemplar Healthcare.

Exemplar Care

Ease of Appointments

Making an appointment is just a phone call away. Call us or Whatsapp us to make your appointment.

Feedback Box

Write your suggestions and complaints to us. We take your feedback seriously and work towards resolution. We also update you on the action taken by us.

Nutriment of the Day

Come taste our nutriment of the day at our wellness center. Learn healthy recipies and become a health conscious foodie.

Product Trials
Product Trials

Our products are proven and used by several generations and have been meticulously crafted and formulated. Come try our products at our wellness centers.


Be part of the Exemplar community and give back to society. You can volunteer to prepare a nutriment, help the patients to use the Mina App, help our team in our day to day activities.

Stats that Speak

Percentage Cure Rate (Acute Cases)

Customer Experience Score

Average Recovery Time (Acute Cases)

Average Complaint Response Time

Have Any Questions?


P-12, Sector 12, 10th Main Road,

Jeevan Bhima Nagar,

Bangalore - 560075,



+91 9380665467

Submit your Queries